Winchester Super Handicap

(5 customer reviews)


Type: Shotshell
Group: Smokeless Powder
SKU: WSH27827 Category:


Buy Winchester Super Handicap Online

Buy Winchester Super Handicap Online. Winchester Super Handicap is a ball powder and the same propellant used in Winchester’s Super Handicap ammunition. This slow-burning, high energy propellant gives the shooter great handicap or long range sporting clays loads at up to 1250 FPS with a 1-1/8 ounce shot charge. Great velocity with excellent patterns!

Available in 1 lb. and 8 lb. containers.

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1 lb, 8 lb

5 reviews for Winchester Super Handicap

  1. Great Powder

    Great powder For all year around

  2. Winchester super handicap powder

    Good results in the shell Difficult to control in the loading process

  3. Great quality

    Consistent performance

  4. Best powder for 1 1/8 Oz loads

    Great loads for all 1 1/8oz loads burns very clean

  5. This is a great powder

    This a great powder. I use 20.5 for Hdcp for any yardage. I load between 1 oz and 7/8 for 16 yd. to 27 yd. Love it, if I could find some.

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