Ramshot X-Terminator Smokeless Gun Powder


  • Smokeless Powder, Black Powder, Primers, and Fuses are considered hazardous materials, incur HazMat Charges, and can only ship ground freight within the continental U.S. Due to safety considerations and legal/regulatory reasons, Smokeless Powder, Black Powder, Primers, and Fuses cannot be returned.

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Buy Ramshot X-Terminator Smokeless Gun Powder Online

Product Overview

Buy Ramshot X-Terminator Smokeless Gun Powder Online. Ramshot Smokeless Powder is newly manufactured, meaning it hasn’t been pulled from loaded ammunition and it’s not military surplus powder. Every powder in the Ramshot family is double-based and spherical shaped.Ramshot TERMINATOR is a double-base spherical powder designed for the high volume 223 varmint hunters who demand a clean-burning, accurate powder. Buy Ramshot X-Terminator Smokeless Gun Powder Online. Excellent flow characteristics and small grain size allow trouble-free loading in small diameter case necks. It performs extremely well with light to medium weight bullets in the 223 Remington. It is also an excellent choice for 17 Remington, 20 caliber cartridges, 222 Remington, and the 45-70 Government. Buy Ramshot X-Terminator Smokeless Gun Powder Online.

Specifications (ramshot x terminator)

Product Information

1 Pound

Delivery Information

Shipping Weight 

1.135 Pounds


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